Nursing Homes serve as permanent residences for people who are too frail or sick to live at home or as a temporary facility during a recovering period. However, many people need a nursing home level of care but would prefer to remain in their own home with the help of their family and friends, community services, and professional care agencies.
But, it remains that there are issues that you still may have in the type setting that does not have to do with the family helping, Personalizing their care is sometimes a way for your loved one to heal, sometimes to get even better. With the proper setting loved ones can connect with a one on one care giver. Even in a live in setting there is comfort , security in knowing you have someone on your side and there at all times.
This is more personalble and in depth one on one setting. Care is designed to give support to people and to their families in the final phase of a terminal illness and focus on comfort and quality of life, yet with an understanding that there is a spiritual cure, an inner understanding, an acceptance, a complete wholeness as you become more aware of what is now and to come.
My goal is to enable patients to be comfortable and free of pain as their medical doctors prescribe whatever is needed to reduce this discomfort, so that they live each day as fully as possible in the comfort of their own homes around friends and family.
There is nothing wrong with being afraid of the unknown, but to come into awareness and find a peace with that is another. Fear should should never be our basis as to us making a desicion in our life. Fears are self inflicted and self created by you and your own lack of understanding. We are all aging, we may all at some point loose some of our abilities to care for ourself. But, this is a process in life, and we act as if it does not happen or it will not happend to us. None of us will escape physical dealth. Facing this should strengthend us and give us an inner peace as to how we should live our lives, and it be in a more healthy manner spiritually, mentally, physically. we constantly live in a mental state of dealth, this experience will kill you alone by it's own merit, cause you have given it power to rule your entire being.
We really should want misunderstandings cleared as to what pertains to our life, in seeing things as they are at present, and not by stressing ourself as to this is how I use to do it, or it use to be, as oppose to what is truly present now, what is to come and learning that we control what we desire to experience. Versus just sitting back and feeling and living drained.
The settings are generally home-based, I sometimes provide services away from home -- in freestanding facilities, in nursing homes, or within hospitals. The philosophy of Spiritual transtion is like hospice as in relations, but I am independent, Ioffer Spiritual awareness for a transion to families, and the patient, showing the way to inner peace, joy and learning to let go. Oppose the fear of dealth. I provide support for the patient's and families emotional, social, and spiritual needs as well as establishing friendship and bonding. (I offer no treaments, medical diagnosis, symptom analyzing or of that nature)My main focus is to open people and families to the Spiritual Transtion of and to dealth. How to be and live in a more positive state of consciousness as we age.
To bring awareness to health issues that only you control. Within the aging process, we all should at an early age really start to question and investigate our own lives on how to stay healthy Spiritualy, mentally, and physically, so that we are aware in preventive knowledge. The setting is social with the family present as a whole, so all can expereince the healing of love, learning and growth, as you are opened to an awareness of dealth being every moment of our lives.
I bring more awareness to what is present and being real to what is present as you become more aware. All starts with you and it will end with you. As my great grandmother use to say, no matter where you go, there you are, and you will not escape yourself. So learn all you can about who your are and the universe will flow into you and with you. Awareness (consciousness) will bring about this state of being as you embrace the desire to know you.
I have learned over my 25 years as being a CNA and in the nursing field, from my own personal experiences we all have our own different issues, we dont see things as they are, so we lock our minds on what was, what we use to do and be, and refuse to relate to it in any other way, so we mentally reinact whether in words or in actions what we dont want to happen and as a result get what we dont want, what we dont need or want to experience. This is that deniel state that we live in and it can be very harmful, as to my own personal experience in the profession, I have experience people fight dealth to the end, fight getting older to the end until self created fears drained them of their life.
I have been in this work for more than 25 plus years. Studies Holistic Nursing. Preventive healthcare, fitness and good eatting habits. My studies are also in Spiritual healing and inner transformation. People seek me out for what I call the Spiritual Present Style card reading, Spritiual Transition of dealth, as to what dealth is, and what it is not that will help eliminate your fears and can be used in a positive way to live a more full and healthy life. (Spiritually) I am not for the close minded that have many doubts and deniels, I am here for those that are tired and want inner peace, I am only a pointer back to yourself.
There are many ways to contact me: shantinel1@yahoo.com or alternativetonursinghomecare@inbox.com
other sites : http://www.shantinel.wordpress.com/ or http://wwwalternativetonursinghomecare.blogspot.com/ or http://www.mothershirley.com/
I would like to thank you for being here at my site and reading, there is a deeper meaning that drew you to this site, never over look the abvious, conditions and signs come to us as we seek them.
Always Create A Wonderful Day.
Contact me via email, for pricing and setting appointments
(testimony from BJ)
ReplyDeleteThank you for brining awareness and peace to all of us inour time of need. You help bring about a beautiful and a permenat transition that has now changed us all for life. We love you and wish you well on you journey to help others. BJ and family
I wish for your great service in Home Care
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Dementia & Alzheimer’s Care
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